Effective August 26, 2022,
IntraCare North Hospital closed its hospital operations.
As of September 2023, Former Hospital Employees may be entitled to pay, but prompt action is required.
Qualifying former employees of Intracare North Hospital may be entitled to receive pay based on their prior employment at Intracare North Hospital, but certain steps are required in order to be eligible. You may have already received a text that invited you to “Opt-In” to expedite payment of any benefits you may be entitled to receive.
If you did not receive a text message and would like to know if you qualify to receive a potential payment, please text us at (346) 521-5601 with your full legal name and the word “INFO” to obtain more information.
A partir de septiembre 2023, los exempleados del hospital pueden tener derecho a pago, pero es necesario actuar con prontitud.
Los ex empleados de Intracare North Hospital que califiquen pueden tener derecho a recibir un pago basado en su empleo anterior en Intracare North Hospital, pero se requieren ciertos pasos para ser elegible. Es posible que ya haya recibido un mensaje de texto que le invita a "Opt-In" para acelerar el pago de los beneficios que usted pueda tener derecho a recibir.
Si no ha recibido un mensaje de texto y desea saber si cumple los requisitos, envíenos un mensaje de texto al (346) 521-5601 con su nombre legal completo y la palabra "INFO" para obtener más información.
Notice to Creditors
As of November 2, 2023, all known creditors have been contacted directly regarding their claims.
Patient health records from Intracare North Hospital have been transferred to Morgan Records Management, LLC (the “Records Custodian”). The Records Custodian will continue to maintain your records in accordance with applicable confidentiality and security standards and with other applicable laws. Your records will be destroyed no less than 15 years after the last date of services you received from this Hospital, although most records will be held for at least 15 years from the date of last service, depending upon applicable state and federal record retention requirements.
If you wish to have a copy of your records sent to you or to another provider or facility, you may submit a written request to the Records Custodian. Requests to the Records Custodian should be directed to:
Morgan Records Management: Medical Records
Online: MorganRecordsManagement.com > Patient Records Requests > Request My Medical Records
Phone: 833-888-0061
Please Note:
In accordance with applicable state law, you may be charged for the copying and transmittal of the records.
If you need the hospital to verify your prior employment you can send an email to intracare.EE@yahoo.com and someone will respond as quickly as possible.
To access and view Employee payment history and prior W-2's the Employee Self-Service (ESS) functionality will remain available until June 30, 2024.
Deo Shanker, President
Intracare Hospital North
PO Box 90550
Houston, TX 77290